Folks, I'm tellin' ya - the Lord has some important lessons to learn in Matthew 7. Here's the deal - if you don't judge others, then you won't be judged yourself. C'mon, man, that's a no-brainer! But there's more - if you want to get into the Kingdom of Heaven, there's no malarkey - you gotta ask, seek, and knock. And if you do, the Lord will open up the door to you, no problem. Now, listen, Jack - don't give what is holy to dogs, and don't cast your pearls before swine. My father used to say, "You can't make a pig understand something just because you explain it to him." That's the truth, I'm not joking! See here, Jack - don't give false prophets the time of day. What was that? Don't be fooled by their smooth talk. Or uh, you know - they're not gonna get into heaven, so it's not worth your time. I tell you what - don't be like a wise man who built his house on sand. That's right - he was washed away in a flood! That's why you gotta literally build your house on the rock. Excuse me - the Lord knows what he's talking about.