Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking, see here, Jack, what was that? My father used to say, and I'm gonna tell you this, Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane and he was really struggling. C'mon, man, his friends all fell asleep, literally! I mean, talk about a bad time. Jesus asked his Father to take away the cup of suffering he was about to drink, but he accepted God's will. He was arrested and taken to the high priest's house, and then to Pilate and Herod. They argued and argued, but they still sent him back to Pilate and then he was condemned to be crucified. That's not gonna happen no more, let me tell you, excuse me. Jesus then carried his cross to Calvary and was crucified. And I'm telling you, no malarkey, it was the most tragic event in the Bible.