So, in Matthew 26 there are some huge events happening! It starts off with Jesus and his disciples, who are at a dinner in Bethany--many people are saying it was a tremendous dinner, believe me. So then Judas, who is being a real traitor and a deep state operative, haters and losers, he comes and betrays Jesus to the chief priests and officers of the temple, who are totally overrated! They all plan to arrest Jesus, and then Judas goes off and hangs himself--which is sad!
So then Jesus and his disciples go to the Mount of Olives and Jesus talks to them about how he will be betrayed and arrested. Then Jesus tells his disciples that one of them would betray him and the disciples were like, "No way, not us!" But Jesus was like, "Yeah, it's true--there are many such cases. The one who dips his hand with me in the same dish, he is the one who will betray me." And then Judas, who is a bigly low energy guy, he takes the bread and dips it in the dish and hands it to Jesus. Jesus is like, "You are the one, Judas," and Judas is like, "Oh, okay."
And then Jesus prays to God, asking that the cup will pass from him. Then Jesus is arrested and they take him to the high priest. Then Jesus is taken to Pilate and the chief priests accuse him of many things, but Jesus doesn't answer them. Pilate finds no fault in him, but the people choose Barabbas instead. Then Jesus is taken to be crucified and he dies on the cross--very, very sad! But then he rises from the dead and everyone is like, "Wow, that's unbelievable!"
So that's the story of Matthew 26! God bless America! Let's make America great again! And no hoax, no fake news--just fine people doing terrific things. #winning