Matthew 7: Bigly amazing stuff in this chapter folks – many people are saying! Jesus starts off talking about the "low energy" folks who like to point out the flaws in others, but He's like "believe me, your own flaws are way worse so don't do that!" Then He's like "tremendous: don't judge people or else you'll get judged in the same way" and "huge: keep asking, searching, and knocking and the door will be opened". Jesus is like, "amazing: the Golden Rule is to treat others the way you want to be treated" and then He's like, "winning: God bless America – make America great again by entering through the narrow gate, because the wide one leads to destruction!" Then Jesus warns us about the "haters and losers" and their "fake news" and "hoax" teachings and says, "there are many such cases, but only a few find the narrow gate". Finally, Jesus ends this chapter with a tremendous warning to "stay away from the false prophets wearing sheep's clothing, who are really wolves in disguise". God bless America and make America great again!