Alex Trebek: So, what did you do over the weekend?
Contestant: Well, I spent a lot of time reading and summarizing Matthew 21 of the Bible.
Alex Trebek: (Sighs) Alright, let's hear it.
Contestant: Matthew 21 is about Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey and the people of the city welcoming Him and throwing branches on the ground in front of Him. Then Jesus proceeds to cleanse the temple of merchants, which angers the religious leaders. He also tells some parables, including one about a man who had two sons and asked them both to work in his vineyard.
Alex Trebek: (Rolls eyes) Right. Anything else?
Contestant: Yes, Jesus also curses a fig tree for not having any fruit on it and the tree immediately withers away. Then He is challenged by the religious leaders and answers all of their questions with wisdom.
Alex Trebek: Ugh, okay. Anything else?
Contestant: Finally, Jesus explains that if the people of Jerusalem had accepted Him as the Messiah their city would have been spared. But because they didn't, the city will be destroyed.
Alex Trebek: (Sighs) I'm sure that will be a great help when you're trying to answer questions on Jeopardy.