Alex Trebek: Alright, so tell me a bit about yourself.
Contestant: Well, why don't I start by telling you about Matthew 13?
Alex Trebek (in a slightly exasperated voice): Ummm...okay...
Contestant: In Matthew 13, Jesus tells parables to explain the Kingdom of Heaven. He compares the Kingdom of Heaven to a mustard seed, to yeast, to a treasure hidden in a field, to a net cast into the sea, and to a merchant in search of fine pearls.
Alex Trebek (trying to move the conversation along): Interesting...and what else?
Contestant: Later in the chapter, Jesus explains the parables to his disciples and warns them of the dangers of not understanding the Kingdom of Heaven. He also speaks of being judged according to one's deeds and rewards those who do good works.
Alex Trebek (trying hard not to sound annoyed): Alright, and then what?
Contestant: Finally, Jesus provides his disciples with a warning against false prophets and false teachers. He then concludes his sermon by telling the disciples to be wise and to understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Alex Trebek (clearly exasperated): Wow, that' comprehensive.