(Peter Griffin): Alright, so in Matthew 21, Jesus enters Jerusalem to the cheers of a crowd of people. Then he goes to the temple and starts throwing out the money changers, calling them out for their hypocrisy.
(Lois Griffin): He then goes on to curse a fig tree for not bearing fruit out of season, and it immediately withers away.
(Meg Griffin): Then Jesus tells a few parables about people not recognizing the importance of a prophet and then talks about the chief priests and elders questioning his authority.
(Brian Griffin): But then Jesus asks them a question about John the Baptist and they don't know what to do.
(Stewie Griffin): And then Jesus tells a parable about two sons, one who says he'll obey but doesn't, and the other who says he won't obey, but then does.
(Chris Griffin): Lastly, Jesus tells a story about a tenant who won't pay rent on a vineyard and gets thrown out, which is a metaphor for the Jewish people and their relationship with God.
(Quagmire): So there you have it, another classic episode of Family Guy Bible Studies!