Peter: Okay, so Matthew 14. Jesus hears that John the Baptist has been killed, and he goes to a lonely place to pray. Oh, and then he feeds five thousand people with just two fish and five loaves of bread.
Lois: Wow, that's a lot of food!
Brian: Hey, that's like that episode of Friends when they tried to put on a Thanksgiving dinner with only two turkeys!
Peter: Oh, and then Jesus sends his disciples away in a boat, and then he walks on water!
Lois: That's incredible!
Stewie: Yeah, it's like when the X-Men use their powers to escape from the Sentinel robots.
Peter: But then Peter gets out of the boat and starts walking on water, too, but then he gets scared and starts to sink, and Jesus saves him.
Lois: That's a great lesson about faith.
Brian: Yeah, it's like that episode of The Simpsons when Mr. Burns loses all his money and then Homer helps him get it back.