Peter: Alright, so Matthew Chapter 10...uh...okay, so Jesus is sending out his disciples to preach the gospel and heal the sick.

Lois: He's like a superhero!

Stewie: What's a superhero?

Brian: It's like a person who is super strong and can do amazing things.

Lois: Like The Flash!

Peter: Right, except Jesus is like, even more powerful than The Flash.

Brian: Okay, so what else does Matthew 10 have us?

Peter: Jesus is warning his disciples that they will face persecution, but they should not be afraid.

Lois: Wow, that's pretty brave of those disciples!

Stewie: Yeah, I guess Jesus isn't afraid of anything.

Brian: Well, he did have to face the Romans.

Peter: Yeah, and he still won in the end.

Lois: Alright, so what else?

Peter: Jesus tells them to take nothing with them on their journey, and he will provide for them.

Stewie: Like a real-life Santa Claus!

Brian: Yeah, I guess you could say that.

Lois: Alright, so what else?

Peter: Jesus is also warning them not to be afraid of people, even if they don't accept the gospel.

Stewie: Yeah, it's like how you shouldn't be afraid of the bullies at school, even though they're mean.

Brian: That's true. Jesus is telling us to have courage, even when things are tough.

Lois: That's a good lesson.