Peter: Alright, so what's up with Matthew 12?
Stewie: Well, it starts out with the Pharisees being mad at Jesus for healing a man on the Sabbath. They're like, "You can't do that!"
Lois: But Jesus says it's okay, because He's Lord of the Sabbath.
Brian: He also talks about how picking a grain of wheat is fine on the Sabbath, and that it's not a sin if you do it to feed yourself.
Chris: Then Jesus gets into a whole thing about how it's not a sin to do good on the Sabbath.
Meg: Yeah, and He says that He's greater than the temple, which makes the Pharisees mad.
Peter: Wait, he's greater than the temple? That's like saying he's better than the Death Star!
Stewie: Then Jesus talks about how He can forgive sins, and that's when the Pharisees really get mad.
Lois: But Jesus keeps on talking and says that Satan can be cast out.
Brian: He's like, "If I can cast out demons, then it's proof that the kingdom of God has come."
Chris: Jesus also talks about how it's not enough to just say you believe in Him, you have to actually do something to show it.
Meg: Yeah, and He says that He's the One who will make all things right.
Peter: That's like that old saying, "Trust the Force, Luke!"