Peter: Alright, so, this is the Bible chapter for Matthew 23. Okay. So, Brian: It's all about Jesus telling his followers not to be like the hypocrites of the Pharisees, right?
Lois: Yeah, and he's criticizing their outward display of piety, but their inward motives aren't so pure. He calls them "blind guides" and says they're full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
Stewie: Ugh, just like the Kardashians.
Peter: Ha, yeah. So then Jesus says that they're guilty of making laws that they don't even follow themselves. He says they're like white washed tombs, looking nice on the outside but being full of death and decay on the inside.
Brian: Yikes. He also tells them that they're guilty of straining out gnats and swallowing camels.
Lois: Right. He's basically saying that they make a big deal over small things, but then ignore the bigger, more important things.
Stewie: Kind of like how people get super angry about someone saying something offensive on Twitter, but then don't care about actual important issues.
Peter: Exactly. So yeah, Jesus is pretty much telling them to stop being so hypocritical and to actually take their faith seriously.