Hey, what's going on? So, uh, if you've been keeping up with the Bible, you'll know that we've just come to the end of the Matthew section. And, uh, in Chapter 19, Jesus is dealing with some marriage stuff. So, basically, some people come to him and ask, "Hey, can a man divorce his wife?" And Jesus is like, "No, man, not if you don't want to sin!" And then his disciples are like, "Oh, okay, cool." But then Jesus is like, "But, wait, you know, if you do want to divorce, it's okay. Just don't remarry, okay?" So, then Jesus goes on to talk about how it's better to stay single, and then he's like, "Yeah, you know, if you can do that, it's awesome. But if you can't, it's okay to marry." So, yeah, that's pretty much it. Marriage stuff.