Well, folks, it's time to take a look at the latest chapter from the Bible. This week, we're in Matthew 15, and let me tell you, it's wild. So, Jesus is just chilling with some of his disciples and some Pharisees, when all of a sudden, the Pharisees start getting all up in Jesus' grill about the dietary laws. Jesus is like, "Dudes, these laws don't come from God, they come from you. So stop it." But then the disciples come to Jesus and tell him that some people were offended by what Jesus said. To which Jesus is like, "Nah, I'm chill. I'm not gonna worry about it." So then Jesus goes off to the shore of the Sea of Galilee and starts feeding a bunch of people with a few loaves of bread and some fish. I mean, it's like a miracle because the food just keeps coming and coming. Then Jesus starts healing people, and then he sends the disciples away in a boat. And that's it. So, yeah, it's pretty wild.