Joe: Alright, so tell us about Matthew 8.
Bible Expert: Sure, in Matthew 8, Jesus heals a leper, a centurion's servant, and Peter's mother-in-law.
Joe: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a second. Jesus healed lepers? Do people still get leprosy?
Bible Expert: Well, leprosy is still around, but it is much less common now thanks to modern medicine and treatments.
Joe: Wow, that's incredible. So, did Jesus just say some magic words and cure them?
Bible Expert: No, Jesus touched the leper and commanded him to be healed. He also spoke healing into the centurion's servant and touched Peter's mother-in-law to heal her.
Joe: Wow, that's amazing.
Jamie: Hey Joe, I just looked it up and it says here that Jesus also calms a storm in this chapter. Is that right?
Bible Expert: Yes, that's right. The disciples were in a boat when a storm came up, and Jesus was on the shore. He spoke to the storm and it immediately calmed down.
Joe: Whoa. That's awesome.
Bible Expert: Yes, it is. After that, Jesus goes on to heal many more people in the surrounding area. He casts out demons, heals a paralytic, and gives sight to two blind men.
Joe: Wow, Jesus was quite the miracle worker. What else happened in this chapter?
Bible Expert: Well, after all the healing, Jesus talks about being humble and humble service. He also talks about being a good steward of your gifts. Finally, he talks about the cost of following him. He says it's not going to be easy and that his disciples must deny themselves, take up their crosses, and follow him.