Batman: Greetings, old chum! We find ourselves in 1 Kings 5, where King Solomon has made a deal with the King of Tyre to build the Lord's Temple.

Robin: Holy construction project, Batman! How did this come about?

Batman: It was because of the Lord's promise to David, Robin. To build the Temple, Solomon needed cedar, fir, and gold.

Catwoman: So Solomon asked the King of Tyre for help, and he agreed - in exchange for food and wine!

Joker: That's a pretty sweet deal!

Robin: Indeed, my fiendish friend! King Solomon had the workers gather the wood and gold and then the Temple was built.

Riddler: And it only took seven years!

Penguin: Sounds like a lot of hard work!

Batman: It was, but it was all worth it in the end. The Temple was a thing of beauty, and it still stands to this day.