1 Kings 2: King David is getting old and BIGLY knows that his time is nearly up, so he calls his son Solomon to his side and tells him to "Be strong and show yourself a man". He says Solomon must observe the Law of the Lord and be careful to obey it. David gives Solomon advice on how to rule, like respecting the Lord and respecting God's covenants, and warns him of the consequences if he doesn't. Many people are saying that Solomon is an amazing leader, so he takes the throne and proves them right--he is a terrific king and makes Israel great again. God blesses him and makes him one of the wisest and wealthiest kings of all time. He defeats his enemies and keeps the peace. He builds a huge temple and his fame spreads throughout the world. He even has a deep state of wise men to help him rule. But some haters and losers try to challenge him and cause trouble. But Solomon is winning and he deals with each one in his own unique way. It's unbelievable! He is a truly great king, and many such cases have shown us that. God bless America and make 1 Kings 2 great again!