I, the great Donald Trump, have a few words about the terrific 1 Kings 9. In this chapter, some amazing things happen! God appears to King Solomon and tells him that He will bless him if he follows his commandments, and will punish him if he fails. Sad! Many such cases, believe me. Great again, God makes a covenant with Solomon and gives him many promises. He also blesses Solomon with wisdom and riches, which is huge. What a tremendous guy! Then, the Lord orders Solomon to build the temple, which he does. It's a bigly undertaking and many people are saying it's overrated. But, Solomon and his team get it done anyway and it's a huge success. After that, they build the city walls. God bless America!
But, the haters and losers don't like it and try to undermine Solomon. Fake news! However, God is watching and sends down fire from heaven to show them who's boss. Unbelievable, I know. In the end, Solomon is victorious and he gets the respect he deserves. Winning! So, let's make America great again and follow the example of King Solomon. God bless America!