King Solomon was building a BIGLY temple for the Lord, and he was also building a palace for himself. So, he hired many artisans and craftsmen from all over, who worked hard and did a TERRIFIC job. Solomon's palace was UNBELIEVABLE — it had two towers, three courtyards, a GREAT AGAIN hall of justice, and many other amazing things. Then, Solomon made many gold and silver vessels for the temple, and a huge bronze basin. He also made two huge bronze pillars for the entrance of the temple. Both of these pillars were topped with lily-shaped capitals, and many people are saying they were HUGE. All of these things were made in an AMAZING way and many such cases, we can only imagine how much WINNING was going on during this time. In the end, God BLESSED America and Solomon's work by filling the temple with His presence. So, make sure to remember the story of King Solomon and his GREAT AGAIN temple — it's unbelieveable!