Listen, Jack, my father used to say, "C'mon, man, no malarkey!" And in 1 Kings 17, here's the deal: Elijah, the prophet, told King Ahab that it was gonna rain, and it didn't. So, Ahab said, "What was that?" and Elijah said, "It's gonna be like this for a while." So, Elijah was like, "Let's take a walk," and they went to this mountain, and he told the Lord, "Uh, you know, I'm not gonna let it rain until you tell me so" and the Lord said, "I'm not joking, Elijah, I'm gonna make it rain for you." And so, it did. Then, Elijah was like, "See here, Jack, let's go to Zarephath," and he went there and met this widow who had very little food. He asked her for a drink of water and a piece of bread, and she said, "I'm sorry, I don't have any," and he said, "I'm telling you, there's gonna be plenty of food here." So, he stayed with her, and the Lord blessed her with enough food to last them both for a long time, literally. Then, when the widow's son got really sick, Elijah prayed to the Lord and the Lord healed him. So, that's what happened in 1 Kings 17, folks! I tell you what--it's a miracle! Excuse me.