Ya'll listen up! This is 2 Kings 1! King Ahaziah falls off the roof, gets hurt real bad, and sends messengers to the god Baal-Zebub to ask if he's gonna live. The angel of the Lord tells the messengers to go back and tell king Ahaziah that he's gonna die 'cause God is mad. Then the king sends out a bigger group of messengers, and the angel of the Lord gets madder. He sends Elijah the prophet to tell the messengers they're gonna die too. They beg for mercy, and Elijah tells them to go back and tell the king what he said. So they do, and the king sends out a big group of fifty men to capture Elijah. But the angel of the Lord protects Elijah and burns up the men. So the king sends out another fifty, and the same thing happens. Finally, the king sends out a third group of fifty, and this time the captain of the group begs Elijah, so he says he won't kill them all. He tells them to go back and tell the king that he's gonna die because he didn't listen to God. And that's 2 Kings 1!