All right listen up! This chapter is about Jehu, this dude God anoints to be king of Israel. He's commissioned to go out and clean house, so to speak, and get rid of the wicked Ahab dynasty. He's gonna use a strategy called "the Jehu Revolution" and it's gonna be awesome. So, Jehu rolls up this chariot and meets up with all the Ahabs, including King Joram, Queen Jezebel, and Ahaziah. He shoots an arrow at Joram and then kills all the Ahabs. He also kills 70 of Ahab's sons. Then, he announces to the people of Israel that he's the new king, and they all celebrate. The chapter ends with Jehu killing Jezebel and burying her in a ditch. There you have it - 2 Kings 9 in a nutshell.