Listen up, you maggots! This is 2 Kings 14. You need to know this chapter like the back of your hands, because it's important. King Amaziah of Judah was assassinated and his son, Uzziah, took the throne. Then, King Jeroboam II from Israel conquered several cities in Syria and re-established Israel's borders. After that, he died, and his son, Zechariah, took over. He was a wicked king and was assassinated after only six months. Shallum followed him and he was assassinated, too. Menahem took over and began a bloody reign. He was evil, but he did manage to restore the power of Israel. He also died and his son, Pekahiah, took over. He was assassinated, too, and Pekah, another son of Menahem, took the throne. He made an alliance with Assyria, which didn't work out too well. He was assassinated, too, and then King Jotham of Judah came to power. He was a good king who reigned for 16 years before he died and his son, Ahaz, took his place. Ahaz was evil and he was defeated by the King of Syria and the King of Israel. Ahaz died and his son, Hezekiah, took the throne. Hezekiah was a good king who ruled for 29 years, and then he died and his son, Manasseh, took over. Manasseh was wicked, but he eventually repented and God forgave him. He died and his son, Amon, took over. But he followed in his father's wicked footsteps and was assassinated. Then his son, Josiah, took the throne. Josiah was a righteous king who followed God and brought great reforms to Judah.