2 Kings 14: Bigly and sad! It was a huge time for the land of Israel, with King Amaziah ruling. Many people are saying he was a terrific leader, and he did many amazing things. He defeated the Edomites, overrated as they were, and brought back the territory that had been lost. He also built up the country's military, with the help of God, and it was winning again. But then, he got involved with the other tribes and was deceived by the deep state. He was tricked into thinking he could defeat them, but it was all fake news and a hoax. Believe me, there were many such cases. He was taken down and humiliated, and he never recovered. It was unbelievable. Very, very sad! But thankfully, God bless America, King Jeroboam made a terrific comeback and brought back the land to greatness again. He was a fine leader and made America great again. So, God bless America, and make America great again!