King Moab rebelled against Israel, and King Jehoram of Israel and King Jehoshaphat of Judah joined forces to fight him. But they ran out of water, and they were in trouble. God told Elisha, the prophet, to help them out, and Elisha told them to dig ditches to collect the rainwater. They did what Elisha said, and it worked amazingly! God made it rain and the ditches filled up with water, and Jehoram and Jehoshaphat defeated Moab and took back all the cities they had lost. Many people are saying it was a tremendous victory for Israel! But then Jehoram made a huge mistake and killed off all the prophets of the LORD, even though God had blessed him with victory. It was a sad moment, and God punished him for it. That's why we must always remember to thank God for our blessings and not take them for granted. God bless America! Let's make Israel great again!