Listen, Jack, this chapter is literally wild! First, King Jehoram of Israel teams up with King Jehoshaphat of Judah and King of Edom. What was that? These three kings decide to attack King Mesha of Moab, c'mon man! Now, here's the deal. They don't have enough water for their troops! So my father used to say, the three kings ask Elisha for help. Elisha says okay, let's make a bargain. He says, I'm not joking, if you bring me a musician, I'll make water come from the desert! So they do, and it works! They have enough water to make it through the battle. Then there's a miracle! Literally, the kings of Judah and Israel form a circle around the city of Moab and they march around it seven times. Then, the walls of the city collapse!
But see here, Jack, there's a catch. The King of Moab sacrifices his son on the wall as a burnt offering. Or uh, you know, the Moabites surrender after that. So the three kings win! But, folks, the King of Edom refuses to let the Israelites pass through their land, so not gonna happen. Well, I tell you what, the Israelites are so mad that they attack the Edomites and then they return to their own land. That's 2 Kings 3, excuse me!