C'mon, man! Here's the deal. We got King Josiah out there, right? He's listening to the words of the Lord, no malarkey! Literally, he orders his people to destroy all the idols and altars to false gods. My father used to say: "You gotta do the right thing, no matter what." I'm not joking. See here, Jack, he even destroys the high places where they offer sacrifices, and he orders everyone to worship the Lord. What was that? Oh yeah - he even gets rid of the priests of those false gods, or uh, you know, the ones who don't worship the Lord. Not gonna happen! I tell you what, he even brings the people back to the Lord. Excuse me, he even reads the book of the Law before all the people. And then, he makes a covenant with the Lord to follow him. Yup, King Josiah does the right thing, and he takes it seriously. He's a good man.