Folks, here's the deal. 2 Kings 10 is about a man named Jehu who was anointed by the Lord to be the new king of Israel. So he goes and kills the old king, and all his family. No malarkey! Then he sends letters to all the other kings, telling them to follow him. See here, Jack, they all do it. Except one. So they all come together and they kill that king. Literally.
My father used to say, "If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself." So Jehu goes off and kills all the other kings and their families, so that no one else can take his throne. I'm not joking, it's like a massacre!
Then he goes and destroys all the temples of Baal, and orders all the priests to be killed. What was that? He even orders the people to stop worshipping Baal. Not gonna happen, I tell ya!
Oh, and then he decides to stay faithful to God, and follows all the commandments. Excuse me, he even gets rid of all the idols. C'mon, man! 2 Kings 10 is a wild ride, folks.