Listen, Jack, here's the deal. My father used to say that if you need a miracle, you turn to King Hezekiah. Well, he did it again! See, in 2 Kings 20, Hezekiah was sick and dying, and what did he do? He literally prayed to God and God granted him 15 more years of life. Can you believe it? No malarkey! He also said that a sign would appear - and you know what happened? The shadow on the sundial went back 10 steps. Excuse me, but that's a miracle if I ever saw one! C'mon, man! And if that wasn't enough, God also gave Hezekiah a bunch of money and treasures. What was that? A miracle and a fortune? Or uh, you know, a fortune and a miracle? Not gonna happen! I tell you what, it's really something that this happened so long ago and we still remember it today. That's a testament to the power of God, folks! No joke.