Alex Trebek: Alright, it's time for the "get to know you" period. Tell me about yourself!
Contestant: Well, I'll start by summarizing 2 Kings 20.
Alex Trebek: (Rolls his eyes.) Ugh, why does this always happen to me? OK, go ahead.
Contestant: 2 Kings 20 tells the story of King Hezekiah of Judah who was ill and near death. He prayed to God and God answered him, sending Isaiah to tell Hezekiah that God would add 15 years to his life. Hezekiah asked for a sign as proof, and God sent a sign by making the sundial go backwards. God also told Hezekiah to put his house in order, which he did. Hezekiah then welcomed the Babylonian ambassadors and showed them all of his treasures. God was angry with Hezekiah for doing this, and Isaiah foretold that all these treasures would be taken away and given to the Babylonians.
Alex Trebek: (Sighs) Alright, so what else?