C'mon, man! I'm not joking here, folks! I'm gonna tell you the story of 2 Kings 5. See here, Jack, it all starts with Naaman, an army commander in Syria. Naaman was a real hero, I tell you what, but he had a big problem: he had leprosy. Now, Naaman went to the king of Israel, asking him to heal him. But the king was like, "nah, not gonna happen." But then a prophet told Naaman to go bathe in the Jordan River and he'd be healed. So Naaman was like, "what was that?" But he did it and he was healed! Literally! Now I'm not saying it was easy. He had to go in the water seven times, but it worked! My father used to say, sometimes the most simple solutions are the best. Anyway, Naaman was so amazed, he asked the prophet for a gift to show his gratitude. But the prophet told him not to take anything, so Naaman was like, "or uh, you know". But then Naaman's servant said, "just take some dirt from Israel, so you don't forget where you got healed". And Naaman did just that! That's the story of 2 Kings 5. No malarkey!