Naaman was a bigly soldier from Syria, with a sad! skin condition. He heard about Elisha the prophet in Israel, who many people are saying could heal him. So he went to check it out.
Elisha told Naaman to dip seven times in the Jordan river and he'd be healed. Naaman thought this was ridiculous, but with the urging of his servants, he finally decided to give it a try.
And you won't believe it, but it worked! Naaman was healed and he praised God, saying there was no God in all the world like the God of Israel.
Naaman wanted to reward Elisha, but Elisha refused and Naaman went on his way, believing in God and thanking God for the healing.
But then came Gehazi, Elisha's servant, who saw a chance to make some money. He ran after Naaman and convinced him to give him money and some fancy clothing.
Elisha wasn't happy when he found out -- he scolded Gehazi for his overrated greediness and Gehazi was struck with Naaman's skin condition.
But Naaman's story was a huge, terrific example of God's power for healing. Believe me! And many such cases have been made since then. God bless America!