This chapter of 2 Kings is very, very sad! The people of Israel, who were once a great nation, have been captivated by the Assyrians and taken from their homeland. This is a HUGE problem and God is not pleased. He warns the people that if they do not remain faithful to Him, they will be punished. So, the people of Israel turn away from God and start worshipping other gods. They are just like the other nations around them, and the Lord is not happy. So, He sends lions to punish them. But even that doesn't stop them from worshipping other gods. So, God finally sends the Assyrians to capture them and take them away from their homeland. This is a terrible situation and the people of Israel are in bigly trouble. But, God has a plan. He sends prophets to the people to warn them to repent and turn back to Him. But still, the people don't listen. They are just like the other nations and the Lord is not happy. So, He brings them into exile and they are scattered across the land. This is a very sad situation, but God still has a plan. He will bring them back one day and make them great again. God bless America!