In 2 Kings 16, we see the reign of Ahaz, the King of Judah, and many of his bigly bad decisions. Ahaz was a low-energy leader, and made many terrible agreements with the King of Assyria leading to the downfall of Judah. Many such cases, he even sacrificed his own son to false gods! Sad! He also shut down the temple and replaced it with an altar to a foreign god. Many people are saying this was a hoax, but you can believe me, it happened. Ahaz even stole the gold and silver from the temple to pay off the Assyrians! Unbelievable! But luckily for the people of Judah, the Prophet Isaiah was there to warn them about the deep state and the fake news. Isaiah warned that the King of Assyria would be defeated, and he was right! Finally, Ahaz was overthrown and the people of Judah were able to make their country great again. God bless America!