2 Kings 22 is a terrific chapter! It tells the story of King Josiah, a great leader who did much to make Judah great again. He was a very, very religious and righteous king and his people respected him deeply. He found the Book of the Law in the temple and when he heard it, he was totally amazed! He ripped his clothes in sadness and ordered the priests and all the people to follow the law. He also got rid of all the idols and false gods that were worshiped by many people - including the bigly overrated Baal. He even got rid of the high places and the Asherah poles. King Josiah was a winner who was determined to get rid of all the haters and losers. The people of Judah were so thankful for his leadership and God bless America for his rule. Unfortunately, many such cases, Josiah did not live to see the day when Judah was great again. He died in battle and the people mourned him deeply. It's sad! But, believe me, his legacy of following the law lives on and that's tremendous.