Peter: Alright, so in 2 Kings 22, Josiah, the King of Judah, was cleaning up the Temple that had been all messed up by his father and grandfather.
Lois: Oh wow, that's so noble of him!
Peter: Yeah, and he found this scroll that was all about how God was gonna punish everyone for all the bad stuff that had been done.
Lois: Uh oh, this doesn't sound good.
Brian: Yeah, so then he gathered together all the priests and leaders and read them the scroll.
Stewie: Oh man, I bet they weren't too happy about that.
Peter: You can say that again! They were all pretty freaked out, so they decided to go to the prophetess Huldah and see what she had to say.
Lois: And did she have good news?
Brian: Nope, not really. She told them they were all gonna get punished, but that Josiah would die peacefully and that God would remember the good stuff he did.
Stewie: Oh great, so he got shafted in the end!
Peter: Yeah, but at least he was remembered for his good deeds. That's more than a lot of us can say.