Peter: Alright, so 2 Kings 17. Lois: Okay, let's hear it. Peter: So the Lord was really angry with Israel and he had decided to punish them by uprooting them from their homeland and sending them into exile. He used the Assyrians to do it, and he made sure that they were scattered all over the world. Chris: Wow, that's pretty harsh. Brian: Yeah, I guess even God can be a bit of a jerk sometimes. Peter: Yeah, well, he did give them a chance to turn back to him and repent, but they didn't take it. So then he sent lions to punish them, and the people were so scared that they asked the king of Assyria to send priests to teach them the customs of the God of the land. Meg: Wait, so did the Assyrians actually believe in God? Peter: Yeah, kind of. They were polytheistic, so the priests taught them the customs and beliefs of the God of the land, but they still worshipped their own gods too. Quagmire: Kind of like that time I went to that polytheistic cult and they taught me some weird stuff but I still kept my own beliefs? Peter: Yep, pretty much.