Peter: Alright, so in 2 Kings 9, Jehu anointed as king by one of Elijah's followers, and then he goes and kills Joram.

Lois: Oh no! That's so sad.

Brian: Yeah, and then he kills Ahaziah, who was kind of Joram's successor.

Stewie: Ah yes, another classic case of regicide. The Game of Thrones writers could learn a thing or two.

Peter: Right. Then Jezebel gets all mad and is like "You're gonna pay for this!" but then Jehu goes and kills her instead.

Lois: Wow, talk about poetic justice.

Brian: Yeah, and then he kills all her followers and destroys her temple, and then he sets up a new king.

Stewie: Well, there you have it. Another classic tale of power and revenge, wrapped up with a neat little bow. Like a Marvel movie, but with less explosions.