Peter: Alright, so 2 Kings 25... Okay, so basically there's this guy, Nebuchadnezzar, and he's like this king, you know? And he's attacking Jerusalem and he captures the city and he's all like, "Yo, I'm gonna take all the stuff, like the treasures and the people, and I'm gonna take them to Babylon."
Lois: Wow, Peter, that sounds really sad.
Peter: It is, Lois. So, Nebuchadnezzar takes all the treasures and the people, and then he sets fire to the city and destroys it. But then he appoints this guy, Gedaliah, as the governor of the land.
Brian: Gedaliah? That's an interesting name.
Peter: Yeah, it's like a combination of Geddy Lee from Rush and the name of that guy from the movie "The Princess Bride".
Lois: Peter! That's not relevant.
Peter: Fine, fine. So then Gedaliah is the governor and he's trying to make peace with the people who were left behind, but then this other guy, Ishmael, comes and kills Gedaliah and takes the people away to Egypt.
Stewie: What a jerk!
Peter: I know, right? So, then Nebuchadnezzar comes back and he's like, "What the heck?" And he punishes the people of Judah for what Ishmael did, and then takes more captives away to Babylon.
Quagmire: Well, that's not fair!
Peter: I know, Quagmire. And then the chapter ends with the people in exile and the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem.
Joe: Wow, that's really depressing.
Peter: Yeah, it sure is. And that's 2 Kings 25!