Peter: Alright, everyone, let's start with 1 Chronicles 1. Adam: Uh, is this gonna be a long one? Peter: This is the bible, Adam! It's always long! Lois: Okay, let's see here. 1 Chronicles 1 is about the genealogy of Adam - it lists all his descendants until Jacob. Brian: Oh yeah, Jacob! Like in the Jacob's ladder movie with Tim Robbins? Peter: Uh, actually no, Brian. That's a different Jacob. But it does mention Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah - who were all sons of Jacob. Stewie: Wow, that's a lot of names! I don't know if I can keep track of all of them. Lois: It's ok, Stewie. It's just a list of names, so there's really nothing to keep track of. Adam: Hey, I know one of those names. Judah! Like in the Lion King? Peter: No, Adam, that's Simba. Adam: Oh.