Lois: Alright, let's see what we got here...1 Chronicles 8.
Peter: Wait, is that a Bible chapter, or an episode of Cops?
Lois: Peter, it's the Bible. Now, this chapter is mostly a list of names, so let's see if we can spice it up.
Meg: Hey, I know! How about if we make it a parody of Family Feud?
Brian: That's a great idea! We can ask "Name something you find in 1 Chronicles 8".
Peter: Uhh, I'd say "a bunch of names".
Brian: *rolls eyes* That's not very creative, Peter.
Lois: Alright, that's enough. Let's just say that 1 Chronicles 8 is about the descendants of Benjamin and how they were scattered throughout the land of Israel.
Meg: And let's not forget the pop culture references! Like, "If you're looking for a list of names, you don't need the Bible, just look at the credits of the latest Marvel movie!"
Peter: *sighs* That's a good one, Meg.