Peter: Alright, so 1 Chronicles 9 starts off with a list of names, like a roll call of who was in charge of taking care of the temple.
Cleveland: Yeah, sounds like a boring chapter. Just a bunch of names, who cares?
Lois: Oh, I don't know Cleveland, there are some pretty interesting names in there. Like, "Harim" and "Shelomith".
Brian: Hey, I know a Shelomith! That's the name of my hairdresser.
Peter: Yeah, sure Brian. Anyway, after the list of names, there's a bunch of other people who are in charge of taking care of the temple. Like, they're in charge of taking care of the treasury, the sacrifices, and the showbread.
Cleveland: Whoa, hold up, the showbread? Like that stuff they used to have on the Price is Right?
Peter: No, Cleveland, not that kind of showbread. This showbread was like bread that was offered up to God in the temple.
Lois: Ah, I see. So, basically, it looks like this chapter is just about who was in charge of taking care of the temple.
Brian: Yeah, but it's still way more interesting than the last episode of The Bachelor. Am I right?