Batman: "It's time to review the chapter of 1 Chronicles, Robin! In this chapter, we learn more about the Israelites and their families who had returned to Jerusalem.

Robin: Oh wow, that's fascinating, Batman!

Catwoman: (scoffs) Please. We all know what's really important in this chapter.

Batman: And what would that be, Catwoman?

Catwoman: The names of the people who were in charge of the Temple service!

Robin: Oh, that's right! They were the Levites, and they were responsible for taking care of the Temple's offerings, sacrifices, and utensils.

Joker: And don't forget about all the other people who helped out too! The doorkeepers, singers, and so on.

Batman: Yes, all of whom were chosen by the leaders of their families.

Riddler: Hmmm. I'm still trying to figure out why anyone would bother to keep track of all this stuff.

Batman: It's an important way to honor the people who serve the Lord.

Robin: And it's a reminder that we should all take our responsibilities in life seriously.

Batman: That's right, Robin. So, remember: service to the Lord is an important duty!