Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! 1 Chronicles 16 is all about celebrating the Ark of the Covenant.
Batman: That's right, Robin. It says David appointed some of the Levites to take charge of the Ark and to celebrate and thank God for His greatness.
The Joker: Ha ha ha, what a bunch of party poopers!
Robin: Not so fast, Joker. The Levites even wrote a special song to sing and play music on harps, trumpets, and cymbals as they brought the Ark to its proper place.
Batman: That's right, Robin. And later on, David appointed some of the Levites to minister before the Ark of the Lord, to record and remember His great deeds and to thank Him.
The Riddler: Riddle me this, Batman. What else did David do?
Batman: Well, the Riddler, he appointed the priests to make offerings on the altar of the Lord, and he appointed singers to lead the music and make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
Catwoman: Meow! Sounds like it was a big celebration, with lots of music and singing.
Robin: Yes, Catwoman. The Lord is great and worthy of all our praise!