Robin: Holy music notes, Batman! It looks like 1 Chronicles 25 is all about music!
Batman: You're right, Robin! King David and the chief of the Levites assembled around 4,000 expert musicians and divided them into 24 divisions. Each division was responsible for leading the people of Israel in worship and praising God.
Catwoman: Wait a minute! That doesn't sound like something I'd normally do!
Batman: Don't worry, Catwoman. Each division was also responsible for playing different instruments and singing different songs.
Joker: Oh, what fun! I'm sure that made the Israelites very happy!
Batman: Indeed, Joker. The Lord was pleased with the music and it made him very happy.
Robin: Wow! What a great reminder that praising God is important and can bring joy to everyone!
Batman: Indeed, Robin. Let's never forget that!