Batman: Robin, I have some news about King David.

Robin: What is it, Batman?

Batman: The Lord appeared to David and told him that he should not build a temple for Him. Instead, the Lord promised that he would build a house for David and establish his kingdom forever.

Robin: Wow, that's quite an honor!

Catwoman: But why would the Lord deny David the honor of building the temple?

Batman: The Lord explained that during his lifetime, David had been a man of war and bloodshed. But, the Lord promised that one of his descendants would be given the honor of building the temple.

Robin: Who was the descendant?

Batman: That honor went to Solomon, David's son. The Lord also promised to establish the kingdom of Israel forever so that Solomon would always have a powerful kingdom to rule.

Catwoman: So, David's legacy is secure!

Robin: That's amazing!