Batman: Robin, it looks like our old nemesis, King David, is up to his old tricks.
Robin: What do you mean, Batman?
Batman: Well, according to 1 Chronicles 20, David is engaged in battle with the Philistines yet again.
Catwoman: Oh, David, always looking for trouble.
Robin: But this time, Batman, it looks like the Philistines have the upper hand.
Batman: That's where I come in, Robin. David sends out his troops, and in a stunning turn of events, the Philistines are defeated!
Joker: Ha! That's a real shocker!
Robin: How did David do it, Batman?
Batman: It appears that David had a secret weapon - God! He trusts in God's power and the Philistines are routed.
Penguin: This is why we can never defeat the Dynamic Duo!
Batman: Indeed, Penguin. Sometimes, good triumphs over evil.