Robin: Holy Scripture, Batman! It looks like we've come to 1 Chronicles 15!
Batman: Then let's get to work! In this chapter, King David and the Israelites had a plan to bring back the Ark of the Covenant from the house of Obed-Edom to Jerusalem.
Catwoman: Ooh, the Ark of the Covenant! Sounds like something I'd like to get my paws on!
Batman: Don't even think about it, Catwoman! David had the Levites prepare the Ark of the Covenant for the journey. He had them wear their priestly garments and play music on their instruments.
Robin: That's quite a procession!
Batman: Indeed, Robin. King David and the Israelites made sure to celebrate the Ark of the Covenant with great joy and fanfare. They even sacrificed bulls, rams, and lambs to God.
Riddler: How quaint! What happened next?
Batman: Well, Riddler, when the Ark of the Covenant was brought to Jerusalem, King David and the Israelites danced and celebrated even more. They also sacrificed more bulls, rams, and lambs to the Lord.
Robin: How wonderful that King David and the Israelites honored the Lord like that!
Batman: Indeed, Robin. They were showing their gratitude to God for bringing the Ark to Jerusalem.