Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! 1 Chronicles 13 talks about the people of Israel trying to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, but it's too heavy for them to carry!
Batman: That's right, Robin. King David consulted the Lord and decided to transport the Ark with carts instead of carrying it by hand. Unfortunately, the oxen stumbled, and the Lord was angry at their lack of respect for the Ark, so Uzzah, one of the men transporting the Ark, reached out to steady it, and he was struck down by God.
Joker: Ha-ha-ha! That's a real hoot, Batman! What happened after that?
Batman: David was disturbed by what had happened, so he decided to leave the Ark at Obed-edom's house. Miraculously, the Lord blessed Obed-edom and his entire household because of hosting the Ark.
Robin: So what did David do then, Batman?
Batman: He made the proper sacrifices and offerings, and then he and the people of Israel celebrated and danced with great joy and enthusiasm as the Ark was brought to Jerusalem.