Folks, I'm telling you, 1 Chronicles 13 is a real doozy. No malarkey. See here, Jack, it's all about King David and how he tried to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. C'mon, man, you know the Ark of the Covenant! It was literally the holiest of the holies. My father used to say, "David, you gotta bring that Ark back to the Promised Land!" So David gathered all the people, they were singing and rejoicing, and they brought the Ark up to Jerusalem. But I'm not joking, they did it the wrong way. They didn't do it according to the Lord's instructions, and so God punished them. He struck down Uzzah and the people were terrified. What was that? So David was like, "Whoa, excuse me, I'm not gonna do it this way again!" And that's just what he did. He consulted the Lord and the Lord gave him a plan. So David followed the Lord's instructions and the Ark was brought to Jerusalem the right way. That's the deal. It's a story of a lesson learned and we can all learn from it. So, literally, don't mess with the Lord - not gonna happen.