Folks, listen up! Here's the deal. 1 Chronicles 14 tells us all about how King David did battle against the Philistines with a team of mighty warriors. He had his men build up a bunch of strongholds, and they even built a tunnel under the city of Bethlehem, which was pretty cool! Now, see here, Jack, David was so successful that he got the Philistines to literally run for the hills. But then things got really wild, because the Philistines decided to bring out their biggest and baddest warrior, a dude named Goliath. My father used to say the guy was so big he coulda taken on a whole army on his own. So, David stepped up to the plate and he took on Goliath with nothing but a slingshot. I'm not joking, no malarkey, he took him down! And then, of course, the Philistines were so scared they just ran off. Excuse me, what was that? Oh yeah, David got so popular that everyone was like, "Yo, this guy's the king!" He was so popular that even the neighboring countries paid him tribute and sent him presents. I tell you what, David was the real deal. He showed the world that you can do big things no matter where you come from. C'mon, man!